Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

This famous image is of the GI's hoisting the US flag on Iwo Jima during World War 2. An important part of this is the fact that Ira Hayes was one of this group. He fought hard to get to the top of this hill.

Ira Hayes was a Pima indian from the western part of the US. This was truly a man of honor who loved his country. My Hayes was found dead years later in a muddy pool of water having died from the effects of alcohol. Such a sad ending for a good man.

Thank a Vet.

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Big White Oak

Brothers by Fire is guaranteed to be a great read. It starts on the shores of Minnesota's Big White Oak, a huge area of rivers and tall stands of oak trees. This area has been occupied by the Anishinaabe for centuries. Today you can drive or boat into this area to see where the camps were.

Brothersbyfire can be purchased at and

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